The Importance of Fire Safety in San Tan Valley, AZ

San Tan Valley, AZ is a beautiful desert community located in Pinal County, Arizona. With its stunning landscapes and warm climate, it's no wonder that many residents and visitors enjoy spending time outdoors. However, with the dry desert environment comes the risk of wildfires. To protect the community and its natural surroundings, there are strict policies in place regarding outdoor fires and burning in San Tan Valley.

The Importance of Fire Safety

Before delving into the specific policies in San Tan Valley, it's important to understand why fire safety is crucial in this area.

The desert climate is known for its hot and dry conditions, making it highly susceptible to wildfires. These fires can spread quickly and cause significant damage to homes, businesses, and natural habitats. In addition to the risk of property damage, wildfires also pose a threat to human life. In 2019 alone, there were over 50,000 wildfires reported in the United States, resulting in 4.6 million acres of land burned and 18 fatalities. It's clear that taking precautions to prevent wildfires is essential for the safety of both people and the environment.

Understanding the Policies

The policies regarding outdoor fires and burning in San Tan Valley are outlined in the Pinal County Code of Ordinances.

These policies are enforced by the Pinal County Sheriff's Office and the San Tan Valley Fire Department.

Outdoor Fires:

According to Section 8-1-3 of the Pinal County Code of Ordinances, outdoor fires are prohibited within San Tan Valley unless they are contained within a fire pit or other approved container. This includes campfires, bonfires, and any other type of open flame. The fire pit or container must be at least 15 feet away from any structure or combustible material and must be constantly attended by a responsible adult.


Burning of any kind is strictly prohibited in San Tan Valley, with the exception of cooking fires in approved containers. This includes burning of yard waste, trash, or any other materials.

Violation of this policy can result in a fine of up to $500.


The use of fireworks is also prohibited in San Tan Valley, with the exception of approved public displays. This policy is in place to prevent accidental fires caused by fireworks and to protect the safety of residents and their property.

Obtaining a Burn Permit

In some cases, residents may need to conduct a controlled burn for land management purposes. In these situations, a burn permit must be obtained from the Pinal County Air Quality Control District. The permit will outline specific guidelines and restrictions for the controlled burn to ensure it is done safely and responsibly. It's important to note that even with a burn permit, all other policies regarding outdoor fires and burning still apply.

Failure to follow these policies can result in the revocation of the permit and potential fines.

Enforcement and Penalties

The policies regarding outdoor fires and burning in San Tan Valley are strictly enforced by the Pinal County Sheriff's Office and the San Tan Valley Fire Department. If a violation is reported, an officer will investigate and determine if any action needs to be taken. If a violation is found, the individual responsible may receive a warning or citation. In some cases, they may also be required to pay for any damages caused by the fire. Repeat offenders may face more severe penalties, including fines and even criminal charges.

Staying Informed

As with any policies, it's important for residents and visitors to stay informed and up-to-date on any changes or updates.

The Pinal County Code of Ordinances is available online for easy access, and the Pinal County Sheriff's Office and San Tan Valley Fire Department also provide information and updates on their websites and social media pages. Additionally, it's always a good idea to check the current fire danger level before engaging in any outdoor activities that involve fire. The Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management provides daily updates on fire danger levels throughout the state.


In conclusion, there are strict policies in place regarding outdoor fires and burning in San Tan Valley, AZ. These policies are in place to protect the community and its natural surroundings from the risk of wildfires. It's important for all residents and visitors to understand and follow these policies to ensure the safety of themselves and others.

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Justin Moens
Justin Moens

Hipster-friendly twitter aficionado. Devoted problem solver. Devoted internet maven. Zombie scholar. Wannabe tv junkie. Hardcore introvert.

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